Personal Audio-Visual Assistance

+32 495 647 443

Your Personal Audio-Visual Assistant
Kurt Heyndrickx

Provides fast, clear and reliable advice.

And offers help with
producing and visualising
all your media.

Technical support for your strategic audiovisual communication


Start your project with a
Personal AudioVisual Centipede
by your side.

Enrich your plans from the start
with honest and necessary information.

To achieve fast and efficient
achieve results quickly and efficiently.

To make a difference together.


Studio Fx
is a video production house.

Scripting, filming, editing and sharing
form the basis.

But what makes the difference
is the DNA of the studio:

Honesty, service, flexibility


The degree of success
with which your message is received
with your ideal target group

depends first and foremost on
of the open communication
during the production and visualisation process.

We've got you covered!

What can I do for you? How can I help you?

camera,cameraman,camera work

Camera work

Based on your questions, ideas or wishes
Studio FX will select the right camera(s).

This way we always guarantee the right tools
for the right job.

Over the years, we have already worked out a few camera sets
that are based on the ENG/EFP principle.

Modern, compact and professional cameras and accessories
that travel easily on the plane.

You can call on the camera team of Studio FX for:

multicamera events
aerial shots

How do I get started with your project?

1. Listen

A question? An idea?

It is in my nature
to first listen to the whole story.

Subconsciously, I have been looking for similarities with Studio Fx at

2. Proposal

After we have discussed issues such as
target group, deadline, media, KPI's, ... have been discussed,

I make a 'proposal of approach' and a clear offer.

3. Plans

Actually, we are already in
phase 3 of pre-production.

What follows is the scheduling
of crew, gear, locations, ...

4. Filming

A streamlined pre-production phase
is bearing fruit.

The filming, with state-of-the-art equipment
and passionate professionals
goes entirely according to plan.

5. Mounting

Here's where the magic happens!

This is where all the pieces of the puzzle come together.
and form your story.

Via an online revision tool
you get to know the first result.

6. Edit

Voice-over, animations, titles,
music tracks, colour grading,
audio smoothing, ...

You can literally see the result

7. Share

After approval of the project
, the required formats will be produced.

Vertical, square, round, ...
in length and width.

8. Measuring

And then your story comes to life.
It takes on a life of its own.

We like to keep an eye on it for you. And we would like to tell you regularly how it is going.

9. Adjustment

sometimes things don't go quite
as you had hoped.

We are happy to put your project
back on track with pleasure.

Why choose a a personal assistant?

Throughout the entire production process
from the idea to social media

It is a blessing to only have to tell your story once.
That way you know immediately whether it has got through.

It also means that decisions can be made immediately,
corrections are made almost immediately.

Call on a Personal Audio-Visual Assistant
who, in combination with a range of ONLINE DIGITAL TOOLS
, ensures an unparalleled experience.

Single Point of Contact

Who went before you in 2023?

ES Broadcast Media
Tutti Fratelli
World Food Program
Speak Easy
Glaxo Smith Kline
Hill + Knowlton Strategies
Bettina Hausmann
Brum Smith
European Commission